Ibn-i Omer said: Hz Prophet's health from the dream I would tell him, I see a dream and I Hz Peygambere I wished to explain his time was a single boy was asleep and Mosque at a time, two angels in my dream me to hell I took it, that well-knit and well, such as walls that had two horns, so that what, I know there are people was their cry like I did: I seek refuge in Allah from Hell! I seek refuge in Allah from Hell! At that time, another joined the angels and the other two angels said: Korkut!
Hafsa'ya that dream I told you, if the memory of the Prophet told him Hz on top of that it said: Abdullah what good, what good is a man! I also would have been praying at night! Salim was added to it "and that only a small part of the night the day after Abdullah was used (steam, Ashabu'n-Nebi, 19)